Genomic evidence of lung carcinogenesis associated with coal smoke in Xuanwei area, China
중국 Xuanwei 지역의 석탄 연기와 관련된 폐 발암의 게놈 증거
Evidencia genómica de carcinogénesis pulmonar asociada con humo de carbón en el área de Xuanwei, China
Preuves génomiques de la cancérogenèse pulmonaire associée à la fumée de charbon dans la région de Xuanwei, Chine
Геномные доказательства канцерогенеза легких, связанного с угольным дымом в районе Сюаньвэй, Китай
Honglei Zhang 张洪磊 ¹ ², Chao Liu ³, Li Li ⁴, Xu Feng ², Qing Wang ⁵, Jihua Li ⁶, Shaobin Xu ⁷, Shuting Wang ⁸, Qianlu Yang ¹, Zhenghai Shen ¹, Jinhua Su ⁹, Xiaosan Su ², Wenhui Chen ², Ruifen Sun ², Xuhong Zhou ², Junliang Wang ², Yongchun Zhou ¹, Baowei Jiao ¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹², Wanbao Ding ¹³, Xianbao Cao ¹⁴, Yunchao Huang 黄云超 ¹, Lianhua Ye 叶联华 ¹
¹ Department of Thoracic Surgery I, Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Cancer Hospital, Kunming, 650106, China; 昆明医科大学第三附属医院(云南省肿瘤医院)胸外一科
² Center for scientific research, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Kunming, 650500, China; 云南中医药大学科研实验中心
³ Department of Nuclear Medicine, Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Cancer Hospital, Kunming, 650106, China; 昆明医科大学第三附属医院(云南省肿瘤医院)核医学科
⁴ Biotherapy center, Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Cancer Hospital, Kunming, 650106, China; 昆明医科大学第三附属医院(云南省肿瘤医院)免疫治疗中心
⁵ Department of Oncology, Qujing First People’s Hospital, Qujing, 202150, China; 曲靖市第一人民医院
⁶ Qujing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qujing, 202150, China; 曲靖市疾病预防控制中心
⁷ Supercomputing Platform of Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming Biological Diversity Center of Instruments, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650223, China; 中国科学院 昆明动物研究所 昆明生物多样性大型仪器区域中心 昆明动物研究所超级计算平台
⁸ Department of Thoracic Surgery Ⅱ, Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Cancer Hospital, Kunming, 650106, China; 昆明医科大学第三附属医院(云南省肿瘤医院)胸外二科
⁹ Department of thoracic surgery, Xuanwei people’s Hospital, Yunnan, 655400, China; 宣威市人民医院 胸外科
¹⁰ State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650223, China; 中国科学院 昆明动物研究所 遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室
¹¹ Center for Excellence in Animal Evolution and Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650223, China; 中国科学院 动物进化与遗传前沿交叉卓越创新中心
¹² KIZ-CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bioresources and Molecular Research in Common Diseases, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650223, China; 中国科学院昆明动物研究所-香港中文大学生物资源与疾病分子机理联合实验室
¹³ Department of Oncology, Yan’an Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming, 650118, China; 昆明医科大学附属延安​医院 肿瘤科
¹⁴ Department of Otolaryngology, First People’s Hospital of Yunnan Province, the Affiliated Hospital of Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, 650032, China. 云南省第一人民医院(昆明理工大学附属医院)耳鼻咽喉科
National Science Review, 16 August 2021
Brief Communication

Xuanwei area, in southwestern China, harbors the highest female lung cancer rate in this country (Supplementary Table 1). Epidemiological studies have shown that lung cancer incidence in Xuanwei area is associated with the use of different types of local coal for household cooking and heating. The genomic landscape of Xuanwei female adenocarcinoma (XWFA), the most distinctive feature in Xuanwei lung cancer, has yet to be elucidated systematically. Here, we provided the fundamental resource of genomic datasets for further exploring XWFA molecular mechanisms and developing targetable therapy.

117 non-smoker female patients with untreated primary lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) from the Xuanwei area receiving surgical treatment at Yunnan Cancer Hospital were recruited for this study (Supplementary Table 2). 112 pairs of tumour-normal samples were subjected to whole-exome sequencing (WES), and 33 normal and 115 tumour samples were sequenced with mRNA-Seq technology. Datasets of 168 TCGA-LUAD smoking female patients (TLSF) and 102 TCGA-LUAD non-smoking female patients (TLNF) were adopted from TCGA project for genomic comparison between lung cancer from cigarette and from smoky coal (Supplementary Table 3). There were no significant differences in the distribution of samples from different pathologic stages among XWFA, TLSF and TLNF cohorts (Fig. 1a).
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