Advancing computer-generated holographic display thanks to diffraction model-driven deep nets
회절 모형으로 구동되는 심망을 이용하여 컴퓨터가 홀로그램 디스플레이를 생성하도록 추진하다
Pantalla holográfica generada por computadora con propulsión de red profunda impulsada por modelos de difracción
Génération d'un affichage holographique par ordinateur à l'aide d'un Deep Web piloté par un modèle de diffraction
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Vittorio Bianco, Pietro Ferraro
CNR- ISASI Institute of Applied Sciences & Intelligent Systems Viale Campi Flegrei, 34 80078 Pozzuoli (Na) Italy
Opto-Electronic Advances, 16 January 2024

Advancements are reported in computer-generated holography proofing RGB 4K display through a new strategy based on diffraction model-driven deep networks. In the new 4K-DMDNet, the network is not a “black box” anymore. Rather, the input-output relation must obey to the physics of wavefront propagation, which is embedded here as a constraint.

Thus, a labelled dataset is not required, and the model shows superior generalization capabilities with respect to data-driven approaches. The method is promising for the new generation of RGB 4K holographic display, as well as augmented and virtual reality systems.
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