To Cope with a Pandemic: Effects on Certain International Agreements
팬데믹 대처: 특정 국제 협정에 미치는 영향
Para hacer frente a una pandemia: efectos sobre determinados acuerdos internacionales
Faire face à une pandémie : effets sur certains accords internationaux
Чтобы справиться с пандемией: влияние на некоторые международные соглашения
Bartłomiej Sierzputowski
PhD in Law; Counsellor, Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport of the Republic of Poland
Chinese Journal of International Law, 27 July 2021

1. The world is under threat, and COVID-19 is the reason. This infectious disease knows no borders. In recent years, the world has witnessed a substantial rise in epidemics, in terms of both the geographic area affected and the number of victims. Ebola virus and Zika virus have contributed to the development. Epidemics have crucial implications for matters of war and peace, arms control and human rights. They may have a direct effect on the functioning of international organizations. International law must react to the new type of threats, depending on the circumstances and expectations. However, every epidemic is different. The international community must be vigilant, and be seen to be vigilant, as the situation evolves.

2. The question arises, whether and how the recent outbreaks of epidemics have an impact on concluding international agreements. Another question is whether any epidemic resulted in amending or revising the provisions of certain international agreements, in particular, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Moreover, this paper will focus on determining the reasons for which the provisions of these two agreements remain unchanged. The conclusions will then allow us to answer the question, whether epidemics have an impact on the legal status of the members of diplomatic staff and consular post.
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