Simultaneously realizing thermal and electromagnetic cloaking by multi-physical null medium
다중 물리적 제로 미디어로 열 및 전자기 스텔스 동시 구현
Múltiples medios físicos cero logran el sigilo térmico y el sigilo electromagnético al mismo tiempo.
Multi - physical Zero Media réalise simultanément la furtivité thermique et électromagnétique
Многофизическая нулевая среда одновременно реализует тепловую и электромагнитную скрытность
Yichao Liu 刘一超, Xiaomin Ma 马晓敏, Kun Chao 晁坤, Fei Sun 孙非, Zihao Chen 陈子豪, Jinyuan Shan 鄯晋媛, Hanchuan Chen 陈汉川, Gang Zhao 赵港, Shaojie Chen 陈韶婕
Key Lab of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System, Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
中国 太原 太原理工大学电子信息与光学工程学院 新型传感器和智能控制教育部和山西省重点实验室
Opto-Electronic Science, 29 February 2024

Simultaneously manipulating multiple physical fields plays an important role in the increasingly complex integrated systems, aerospace equipment, biochemical productions, etc. For on-chip systems with high integration level, the precise and efficient control of the propagation of electromagnetic waves and heat fluxes simultaneously is particularly important.

In this study, we propose a graphical designing method (i.e., thermal-electromagnetic surface transformation) based on thermal-electromagnetic null medium to simultaneously control the propagation of electromagnetic waves and thermal fields according to the pre-designed paths. A thermal-electromagnetic cloak, which can create a cloaking effect on both electromagnetic waves and thermal fields simultaneously, is designed by thermal-electromagnetic surface transformation and verified by both numerical simulations and experimental measurements.

The thermal-electromagnetic surface transformation proposed in this study provides a new methodology for simultaneous controlling on electromagnetic and temperature fields, and may have significant applications in improving thermal-electromagnetic compatibility problem, protecting of thermal-electromagnetic sensitive components, and improving efficiency of energy usage for complex on-chip systems.
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