The Swiss Federal Tribunal Annulled the Arbitral Award in the SUN Yang v. WADA & FINA Case: The Applicant's Duty of Curiosity on the Qualifications of an Arbitrator and the Neutrality of the Arbitrator
스위스 연방 재판소, SUN Yang v. WADA & FINA 사건에서 중재 판정 무효화: 중재인의 자격과 중재인의 중립성에 대한 신청자의 호기심 의무
El Tribunal Federal Suizo anuló el Laudo Arbitral en el Caso SUN Yang c. WADA & FINA: El deber de curiosidad del solicitante sobre las calificaciones de un árbitro y la neutralidad del árbitro
Le Tribunal fédéral suisse a annulé la sentence arbitrale dans l'affaire SUN Yang c. AMA & FINA : Devoir de curiosité du requérant sur les qualifications d'un arbitre et la neutralité de l'arbitre
Швейцарский федеральный суд отменил арбитражное решение по делу САН Ян против ВАДА и ФИНА: Обязанность заявителя проявлять любопытство к квалификации арбитра и нейтральность арбитра
Chengming Yang 杨成铭 ¹, Chaohui Sun ²
¹ Institute of International Disputes Prevention and Settlement of Beijing Institute of Technology 北京理工大学 国际争端预防和解决研究院
² Beijing Institute of Technology Law School 北京理工大学 法学院
Chinese Journal of International Law, 9 August 2021
Letter to the Journal

1. On 5 October 2018, Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA) alleged that SUN Yang, a Chinese swimmer, violated Article 2.3 (Refusing or Failing to Submit) and 2.5 (Tampering or Attempted Tampering with Any Part of Doping Control) of the FINA Doping Control Rules (the FINA DC) because Sun questioned the official documentation shown by the out-of-competition inspection team, which led to the failure of the sample collection mission. On 3 January 2019, the FINA Doping Panel decided that the sample collection session, initiated by International Doping Tests and Management (IDTM) on 4 September 2018, was invalid and void, and no FINA DC rule violations could result therefrom.

2. On 14 February 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency ...
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