Speckle structured illumination endoscopy with enhanced resolution at wide field of view and depth of field
스펙클 구조 조명 내시경, 넓은 시야와 깊이에서 향상된 해상도
Endoscopio iluminado con estructura manchada con resolución mejorada en campo ancho y profundidad de campo
Endoscope illuminé à structure tachetée avec résolution améliorée à large champ de vision et profondeur de champ
Световой эндоскоп с пятнистой структурой с улучшенным разрешением в широком поле зрения и на глубине обзора
Elizabeth Abraham, Junxiao Zhou, Zhaowei Liu 刘照伟
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093, United States
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is one of the most widely applied wide field super resolution imaging techniques with high temporal resolution and low phototoxicity. The spatial resolution of SIM is typically limited to two times of the diffraction limit and the depth of field is small.
In this work, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a low cost, easy to implement, novel technique called speckle structured illumination endoscopy (SSIE) to enhance the resolution of a wide field endoscope with large depth of field. Here, speckle patterns are used to excite objects on the sample which is then followed by a blind-SIM algorithm for super resolution image reconstruction.
Our approach is insensitive to the 3D morphology of the specimen, or the deformation of illuminations used. It greatly simplifies the experimental setup as there are no calibration protocols and no stringent control of illumination patterns nor focusing optics. We demonstrate that the SSIE can enhance the resolution 2–4.5 times that of a standard white light endoscopic (WLE) system.
The SSIE presents a unique route to super resolution in endoscopic imaging at wide field of view and depth of field, which might be beneficial to the practice of clinical endoscopy.