High performance laser induced plasma assisted ablation by GHz burst mode femtosecond pulses
通过 GHz 突发模式飞秒脉冲进行高性能激光诱导等离子体辅助烧蚀
GHz 버스트 모드 펨토초 펄스에 의한 고성능 레이저 유도 플라즈마 지원 절삭
Ablación asistida por plasma inducido por láser de alto rendimiento mediante pulsos de femtosegundos en modo ráfaga de GHz
Ablation assistée par plasma induit par laser à haute performance par impulsions femtosecondes en mode rafale de GHz
Высокопроизводительная лазерная плазменная абляция с использованием гигагерцовых фемтосекундных импульсов
Jingbo Yin 尹靖博 ¹ ², Yulong Zhao 赵禹龙 ¹, Minghui Hong 洪明辉 ¹ ²
¹ Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China
中国 厦门 厦门大学 萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院
² Discipline of Intelligent Instrument and Equipment, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China
中国 厦门 厦门大学 智能仪器与装备专业
Opto-Electronic Advances, 16 December 2024

High performance laser micromachining based on the combination of GHz burst mode femtosecond pulses irradiation and laser induced plasma assisted ablation can open a new avenue for high-quality and high-efficiency micromachining of single crystalline sapphire.
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High performance micromachining of sapphire by laser induced plasma assisted ablation (LIPAA) using GHz burst mode femtosecond pulses

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